Best drinks in Lakeland: Drink Up Week is coming

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If you can sip it, we want to celebrate it. Our mission at LALtoday is to keep our readers connected to what is happening in our city, celebrate local makers and creators, and invite everyone to join the conversation.

It was with that in mind that we created Drink Up Week a local celebration of the beverage-makers in our community from July 25-31, 2022. (Think Restaurant Week, but for drinks.) Coffee, tea, smoothies, kombucha, seltzer, wine, beer, liquor, those crazy milkshakes with the slice of cake as a garnish — if you can drink it, it’s part of Drink Up Week.

So — how can you get involved? We thought you’d never ask.

If you own, run, or work for a beverage company, bar, restaurant, or purveyor of delicious beverages in Lakeland, we cordially invite you to: 

Create a cocktail
Name a latte
Release a special 
Host a Drink Up Week night at your establishment 

Once you’ve decided what you want to do, just tell us the plan. We will then work to include it in our LALtoday newsletter leading up to (and during) Drink Up Week. It’s that simple.

If you enjoy fine, local beverages, we also invite you to join us in the celebration:

Send us suggestions for local establishments worth highlighting 
Share a fun tidbit that most people might not know about our city’s beverage history 
Point us in the direction of the hidden gems on your list

And then block out your mornings, noons, and nights July 25-31, because we aim to clink a cup, a mug, a glass, and maybe even a pint with you as we share stories, fun facts, events, and gathering opportunities throughout the week.

Thinking this sounds like a great place to showcase your brand? We have special partnership packages available priced for all levels. Reach out to for more information.

Now get ready to raise a glass and join us for this libation celebration. Cheers, Lakeland.

The post Best drinks in Lakeland: Drink Up Week is coming appeared first on LALtoday.

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